Maika Monroe (Longlegs, It Follows)

“I met Deb at the early age of 13 when my manager at the time suggested I should take her class. I had tried some other acting classes before but nothing really felt right until I started working with Deb. Something clicked in me. I have worked with Deb now for almost 20 years and truly truly would not be where I am today without her. I work every audition with her, every script and the way she dissects the scenes is incredible. She finds a completely different and unique way to hone in on these characters and helps bring me to another level as an actor. I dedicate my career to her.”

 Caleel Harris (Swagger, When They See Us)

“Ive been with Deborah and Hadley for around a decade, since near the start of my acting career. They’ve helped me blossom in every phase growing up. They shaped me as a child actor navigating the younger networks, and aided in a seamless transition into adult theatrical acting. Leaving no stone unturned, they help you fully develop and understand the character, allowing you to just live in your scenes. Deborah can tap into your imagination like no other, allowing you to approach scenes and characters in amazingly unique ways you may have never thought possible. Working consistently with them, from the intensives to simple tune-ups, helped me remain booked consistently. And of course, the passion and love for all of their students is unmatched. They care deeply and personally about all of their students, and by the end of every group class we feel like a family! Truly don’t know where I’d be without them. No matter what age, stage, or phase you’re in, I couldn’t recommend them enough!”

 Elena Kampouris (My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 & 3, Jupiter’s Legacy)

“Deborah is the most dedicated, kind and honest professional. She always pulls the best work out of you, even when you’re not sure if you have it in you. She has selflessly shepherded my career with all of her being and creates a space where there is never one question that can’t be asked, nor any doubt that can’t be addressed. The comfort and joy I take in collaborating with her allows me to also rest assured the best work is being brought out of me consistently and new discoveries are always being made. Through the many ups and downs in this business, I really don’t know what I would’ve done without Deb. On our journey together I have come to consider her family.”

 Abby James Witherspoon (Secret Headquarters, Monster Summer)

“I started taking acting lessons with Deborah when I was nine years old. At a young age she taught me the skills I needed to become a well trained actress and I continue to use these skills today. Deborah and Hadley create the most incredible environments for classes that make me feel comfortable to make mistakes and push me to my greatest potential. I always come out of Deborah’s acting intensives and classes with the confidence to go into auditions taking risks and making strong choices!”

 JT Neal (Prom Dates, Pivoting)

“Deborah and Hadley are two of the most wonderful teachers I’ve ever studied with in my entire career as an actor. Deb knows exactly how to get an actor to the heart of a scene no matter how much or how little information is given. She has a gift for taking what’s on the page and finding the more interesting choice which invariably gives actors a leg up in the audition room.”

 Mallory Low (The Chair)

“Deb Dion is the literal heartbeat of my journey in this industry. Most of the work I’ve booked is because of her and her classes. She has taught me how to approach scripts and auditions more specifically and how I can emotionally connect with those choices. Working with Deb brings out the joy and play that I sometimes forget when I prepare for roles, and she never ceases to bring out the best in my performances. I don’t know what I would do without her support and guidance.

Michelle Bratcher (Mother of Stella Bratcher)

“Deborah and Hadley have been an important part of my 13-year-old daughter's aspirations to pursue acting on screen. Because of her on-going training in zoom classes, private coaching and the amazing in-person summer intensive, she booked a supporting role in a feature film, starring William H. Macy, and a co-star role on "Law & Order SVU." We're so grateful for their expertise, patience and encouragement. They always go above and beyond to help her grow as an actor. They guide young talents to help them understand a scene and what unique element they can bring to each character."

 Sarah Grace Elliott (Them, Outer Banks)

“I have been taking classes with Deborah and Hadley since I was about 10 years old. They have helped me come out of my shell and embrace the fun of making bold and honest choices. In these classes I am able to experiment with new techniques, learn how to redirect quickly, and find mind and body connections through a scene. Each class is an opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and rigorous environment. ”

 Grace Lu (Inside Out 2, Bunk’d)

“Deborah Dion has created one of the most nurturing, passionate and inspiring communities I’ve had the chance to study in. You can feel the care that she has for her students in everything she does, and as you work with her over the years, she keeps you growing, pushing you to be even better, even more authentic to yourself. Working with Deb has also brought so many wonderful people into my life and my acting family. ”

 Ginger Gilmartin (Reservation Dogs)

“From weekend intensives, to zoom classes to private coaching for auditions with Deborah I always come away with more perspective for my character building.  Deborah and Hadley are a dynamic duo that create a compassionate environment that is both challenging and creative. I always enjoy working with them and go away more inspired as an actor!”

 Elohim Nycalove (Aporia, My Fiona)

“Deborah’s class has both impacted my acting career and overall thinking of life. She taught me that acting is not about being fake, but sailing into the ocean to immerse yourself into the character. Deborah’s class slowly but surely molded my foundation and helped me to achieve each of my goals during the intensives. Deb’s class always made me feel comfortable to share my thoughts and allowed myself to learn at my own pace. Most of all, she always referred to everyone in the class as not just actors, but that we should consider ourselves artists!”

 Mercedes (Elohim’s mother)

“I love Deborah Dion’s class! My son has trained with her for years and it has enriched his life as an artist and human being. Her and Hadley are an incredible team and Elohim always exits the class with a smile and pure joy! When my son auditions and books a job he immediately has the awareness he needs to delve into the “backstory” and character he is portraying. On set, Elohim has been complimented on his professionalism and skills as a young actor. Not only has he learned from Deborah, but so I have I! Elohim and I always review what he has learned in class and read all of Deborah’s information. Because of all of this I am able to support him as a continually growing actor! I am forever grateful to Deborah for her expertise, love, compassion, and authenticity. Elohim will never stop learning from her and Hadley, and I am glad they will always be a part of his personal and professional growth.!”

 Madeleine Noel Murden (Paper Towns)

“Deborah’s classes and intensives are for hard-working actors who are serious about their craft, as much as they are for creative spirits looking to exercise empathy, connection, and love. She leads her teachings with an emphasis on tending to each student’s ‘inner child’, a method that has guided me to a path of authentic confidence and a strong sense of self, on and off camera. Don’t hesitate— these classes offer an invaluable perspective that is a must-have for navigating the industry!!”

Mehrnaz Mohammadi (Quantum Leap, Ms Rebel)

“Deborah and Hadley cultivate an environment of wonder, play, and joy, setting the stage for actors to explore their range and make compelling choices. While working with actors, Deborah has a unique way of giving honest and challenging feedback that elevates an actor's performance to the next level. She has the ability to tap into the actor's subconscious, revealing deeper emotional layers while keeping the actors grounded in reality. I wholeheartedly recommend Deborah without any reservations. Her guidance is an invaluable asset to any actor's journey.”

Cheyn Cole (Modern Family)

“I have been working with Deb and Hadley for 10 years now. I have never found a safer space to explore – to be creative and mess up and laugh at myself, but also to learn and make bold choices, to see what works and what doesn't. My inner child comes alive with them. Plus, they attract the best humans! Their classes are always so alive and joyful.”

 Gabriella Cila (Mean Girls, Swagger)

“Before taking class with Deb and Hadley, I was in a creative rut. Not only did working with them get me out of this rut, but it also helped me have the most fun I had ever had in my acting career. They gave me practical tools to help me figure out why I was stuck, and then provided a safe and encouraging space for me to take creative risks. I look forward to their classes every week - I know I will leave a better actor than when I entered class that day. They are the best!”

Merk Nguyen (Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish)

“Think of your favorite ice cream flavor that's sweet, brings you joy and sometimes gives you that odd feeling on your teeth... Now, imagine that flavor as an acting class and BAM, that's what working with the Dions is like! I always come to class knowing I'll be emotionally supported, mentally stimulated, physically safe and challenged to strengthen my craft in a loving, welcoming environment. These two (and the culture they create full of kind, brilliant actors) have helped shape my art + appreciation for acting and have provided a lot of laughs along the way! 11/10 would recommend.”

 Nicole Stewart

“I’ve been going to Deborah and Hadley for years now and they have completely transformed me as an artist and person. They have a deep passion for acting, but more than that, they deeply care for each of their students and their journeys. Whether it’s a class on zoom or in person, you will get specific and in-depth feedback on your performance that will guide you in the right direction. Be prepared to work hard and use your imagination. Thanks to them, I’ve booked tons of more jobs.”

Kate Alberts

“Deborah and Hadley’s rapport with each other and their students creates an environment in which the actor can feel free to play. Their passion for creativity has cultivated a safe environment for the actor to fail, which is necessary to learn. ”

Tana Ireland

“The first time I ever truly felt the joy of what it means to be an actor was in Deb and Hadley's class. The Dion studio creates a comfortable, safe, open space to learn. But oh will you learn!!! I believe that this class is something every single actor would both enjoy and become an even more effective actor (and human). ”

Kayla Melikian

“I love working with Deb and Hadley Dion. They are incredibly kind and sweet, always showing patience and understanding in every interaction. Their helpful nature and knack for offering good advice have been invaluable, especially when it comes to figuring out how to fix scenes. Working with them is a breeze; they create a great learning space that is both encouraging and supportive. I can't recommend them highly enough!”

 Tuleck Porchia

“Deborah and Hadley are real eye-openers. I believe I'm much more enhanced in my work and characters than I was 4 years ago because of them. They are true lovers of "playing around" and with their help, I'm beginning to become an expert on the "play" ground! It's also great to learn from working casting directors who are still learning themselves but have years of experience on the other side of the industry. I would never want to miss a day of class with these two, and they have been a helping hand in a big part of my career!”

 Fernanda Moya (Influence)

“Deb is amazing! She has a special way of making you feel comfortable and confident. Whether it’s in class or a private coaching session, she brings out parts of the characters that really elevate the scenes and you never feel rushed to understand something or to finish a scene. Thanks to her, I’ve learned to really connect with my body and emotions, which has made a huge difference in my acting. I’ve also found a wonderful community with her other students. On a personal level, I truly love and appreciate her. I can’t imagine working with anyone else!”