• Every time I’ve coached with Deb on an audition I’ve either gotten a callback or booked the job. She just has an innate sense of what makes a scene interesting and will take an actor deeper and deeper until they find it too.

    JT Neal

  • Coaching with Deborah has reshaped the way I approach a scene. Her commitment to finding authenticity and truthfulness in any scene honors the purpose behind the work we do as actors.

    Kate Alberts

  • Deb has perfected a ‘yes, and…’ style of teaching: she always finds the positive in your work and helps you lean into it. I have never felt so supported and seen by a teacher!

    Maeve Thompson Osgood

Our Services

Audition Preparation

Bring your audition to a new level with one on one coaching from Deborah or Hadley. Virtual or online.


In addition to coaching, we will tape you at our studio in Hollywood for no additional cost.

Private lessons

We offer private lessons for those who want to work on material on a regular basis.