Online & Virtual Intensives

classes for the actor ready to grow

While each class is different, based on student needs, we tend to focus on:

  • Creative and specific preparation 

  • The mind body connection 

  • Making organic, standout choices 

  • Connecting and communicating with your scene partner

  • Approaching scenes with strong goals and tactics 

Our classes are kept to a maximum of 10 students so we can focus on individual growth.

upcoming classes

Please use our contact form if you are interested in attending one of our upcoming classes or want to join our mailing list for future class updates!

september 7 & 8

Location: Dion Acting Studio in Hollywood

Ages 18+ meet 10 am - 2 pm

Ages 13-17 meet 3 pm -7 pm

In this two day intensive, we work on mock auditions (self tape and in person), partner scenes, cold reads, and slates. This is an intense but incredibly rewarding program that centers play and imagination.

We limit each class to 10 students so you will get a lot of individual attention and you will GROW.

Two day intensive (In person)

audition class (In person)

Saturday september 14

Ages 18+

Location: Dion Acting Studio in Hollywood

1o am - 2 pm

Have you ever gotten an audition and wondered how the heck you could have made the script work? Or felt like you were perfect for a role but never even heard back? In this four hour class, each student will workshop sides (no more than 2 pages) that they auditioned for but didn’t book.

We will workshop each audition piece in front of the class, learning from each other in these “mini coaching sessions.”


Ages 18+

By Interview or Invitation Only

Actors are assigned scenes and a partner the week before class so they have time to prepare the material with one another. In class, actors have about thirty minutes to workshop their scene so we get to dig deeper into the material. A great way to stay tuned up and keep working on strengthening your skills.

scene study (Zoom and in person)

We are bonded in compliance with California AB 1319 (Bond # 63284402). Classes are not a job interview nor audition. The presence of a casting director is not a guarantee nor a promise of employment. The sole intent of class is purely educational.